EPA Clean All 5 Acres

What’s it about?

In regards to the January 2021 to April 5th 2021 ESD EPA comment period, the community asked the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition to attend community meetings in February and March, and provide technical advice and they did not.

We asked the EPA extend the comment period and that there be engagement, outreach and education on the IRIS cancer slope and the risks are explained to community members in an equitable way.

Such as

  • Notice to communities by flyers and posters, transparency of information for environmental justice empowerment.

  • Technical information shared with the community including studies, meetings and all information for the community to make comments on comment periods.

  • Inclusive meetings and information sessions that explain the health risks of EPAs proposed cleanup plans that go against the 2014 ROD Record of Decision.

We successfully got the comment period extended

We had over 100 people sign onto our campaign letter. We mailed over 40 signed copies to the EPA and paid for postage and even supplies, sample letters, and pen and paper. We attended events and posted flyers to inform the community of the comment period.

Multiple groups, organizations and community members at large submitted over 300 comment

Continued Efforts


Another letter was sent to the EPA regarding the Jorgensen Forge cleanup site. With detailed info about our past efforts, the sites issues, and our demands and recommendations moving forward to address the issue. The letter can be found here.